A Turmoil of Emotions: Abstract Realms in Color and Monochrome
The artist’s unique use of mediums, including blood, adds depth to the journey inspired by the profound principles of polarity and transmutation, the feminine energy and the masculine vigor come to life. You can study the official press releases.
Official photos and information
To stay updated with official information about Emelly Velasco’s work and events, subscribe to the newsletter or requesting the press release by sending an email to [email protected]. You can also follow her on social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to stay up-to-date with her latest work and events.
Other official sites of the artist
Her work has been presented in Central America, Mexico, Italy, The Netherlands, and the United States.
Series and project «Red Astral» 2022 – .
Series and project «La Femmale»2022 -.
Series and project «Arthealing Chroma Art for hospitals «2023 – .
Articles and interviews
Interview with Sally Jane Brown
Interview in Milenio Medios
Article in the Kunst Krant p. 27
Article in Sally Jane Brown
Dossier «La Femmale»
Embark on a visual journey through Emelly Velasco’s contemporary, abstract art that harmoniously melds feminine and masculine energies, redefines taboos, and recognizes the astral realm.
Dossier La Femmale Emelly-Velasco Descarga
- Press release – Exhibition «POV – Poter Vedere Oltre»T-D Art Gallery, Crema, Italia 2024
Press-release-International Exhibition Crema Italia 2024 Descarga
- Press release – Exhibition «Harmony of Humanity: Art for Change”, Hilversumn The Netherlands 2024
Press release La Femmale en Hilversum- English and Dutch Descarga
- Press release – Public Auction Velasco heeft geëxposeerd in Midden-Amerika, Mexico, Italië en Nederland en haar werk boeit een wereldwijd publiek 30% van de veiling is een donatie van de kunstenaar en alle verzamelaars die direct ten goede komt aan de Stichting Nuestra Casa, die vrouwen steunt. Location: Verbraakstraat 23, 3036 MR Rotterdam Language: English
- Press release
- Press release Exhibition, Auction and Conferences «La Femmale»: Women Strength and Creativity, Rotterdam The Netherlands 2024
Press Release La Femmale en Nuestra Casa English-and-Dutch Descarga
In the project «Red Astral» The artist’s unique use of mediums, including her menstrual blood, adds depth to the journey inspired by the profound concepts of holy relics and transmutation, astral connections, the feminine energy and ancient civilizations about fertility, death, creativity and life.
Ankerstraat, Den Haag, Nederland
Kunsstenaars in het Statenkwartier